Download Daysi Family App – Copy - Family Calendar

Download Daysi Family App – Copy

Download our Free Family App

Daysi Family App has large number of advanced functions

in the Freemium Version 

We also have a Premium version that costs USD 3.99/month. for the WHOLE family with a lot of extra function.
Read more here.:
Family Calendar
The Family Calendar is one of the core functions of the App.
All types of Family appointments can be created and the whole family or individual family members can be invited to an appointment. There is both a Month overview and a Week overview that quickly gives an overview of the Family's appointments and tasks.
Pocket Money
Parents can easy and quickly create various Pocket Money tasks via different templates, and then when the children have completed a task, they payout is done in a "digital wallet". Deposits and /withdrawals to/from the digital "Wallet" can also be donw quick and easily.
Birthday / Anniversary
Birthdays and other anniversaries
can be created on specific days in the calendar. Alarms can be configured on these special agreements so that you receive a notification before the day.
Month Overview
The monthly overview is used to provide a quick overview of all the family's agreements. There is both a combined calendar for the whole family and for each family member. Each family member has its own color and it is easy to filter the overview between the individual family members.
Week Activitylist
The weekly overview provides a more detailed overview of all the family's appointments from current data and onwards with more specific information about each individual appointments - e.g. description, participant, location etc. The Overview can show all appointments for the whole family and for a single Family Member.
When a new agreement is created, all participants receive a notification on their phone. In addition, alarms can be configured on an appointment so that you can receive one or more notifications before the appointment begins.